Annual Report

“To create something better”

2024 was a special year – we celebrated our 125-year anniversary. On 10 December 1899, 83 courageous men laid the foundation for our exciting and eventful story. They were inspired by the desire to create something better. It is a philosophy that we continue to follow and that still inspires us to write the next chapters of Helsana’s success story.

An encouraging financial year

The Helsana Group is reporting an annual result of CHF 448 million for 2024. The premium volume increased to CHF 8.2 billion and the operating expense ratio decreased again, to 7.4%. We raised our equity to CHF 3.2 billion.

Annual report of the Helsana Group

The Helsana story

A story about the people and ideas that made Helsana who we are today – a reliable partner within the Swiss healthcare sector.

How Helvetia and Artisana became Helsana

Facts & Figures

Premium income

billion CHF

{"data": { "name": "Prämieneinnahmen", "data": [ { "y": 7.8, "colorIndex": 1 }, { "y": 8.2, "colorIndex": 0 } ], "zIndex": 3, "type": "column", "colorIndex": 4 }, "cats": [ "2023", "2024" ] }


billion CHF

{"data": { "name": "Leistungen", "data": [ { "y": 7.6, "colorIndex": 1 }, { "y": 7.8, "colorIndex": 0 } ], "zIndex": 3, "type": "column", "colorIndex": 4 }, "cats": [ "2023", "2024" ] }


billion CHF

{"data": { "name": "Eigenkapital", "data": [ { "y": 2.8, "colorIndex": 1 }, { "y": 3.2, "colorIndex": 0 } ], "zIndex": 3, "type": "column", "colorIndex": 4 }, "cats": [ "2023", "2024" ] }

Combined ratio


{"data": { "name": "Combined Ratio", "data": [ { "y": 100.4, "colorIndex": 1 }, { "y": 98.3, "colorIndex": 0 } ], "zIndex": 3, "type": "column", "colorIndex": 4 }, "cats": [ "2023", "2024" ] }

Operating expense ratio


{"data": { "name": "Betriebsaufwand", "data": [ { "y": 7.7, "colorIndex": 1 }, { "y": 7.4, "colorIndex": 0 } ], "zIndex": 3, "type": "column", "colorIndex": 4 }, "cats": [ "2023", "2024" ] }



{"data": { "name": "Mitarbeitende", "data": [ { "y": 3455, "colorIndex": 1 }, { "y": 3409, "colorIndex": 0 } ], "zIndex": 3, "type": "column", "colorIndex": 4 }, "cats": [ "2023", "2024" ] }

Executive Committee

The Executive Committee of the Helsana Group, led by CEO Roman Sonderegger, is responsible for the operational management.

Meet our Executive Board

Board of Directors

The Board of Directors, led by Prof. Thomas D. Szucs, is responsible for the strategic management of the Helsana Group.

Meet our Board of Directors

Corporate governance

Helsana operates according to the principle of responsible and transparent corporate management.

Find out more


Sustainable corporate management is important to Helsana, which is why it is now an explicit objective within our corporate strategy. We will be publishing the comprehensive sustainability report on the Helsana website at the end of May.

Find out more