5. Remuneration, shareholdings and loans
The Board of Directors determines the compensation of its members at the request of the Executive & Remuneration Committee. This committee determines the remuneration of members of the Executive Committee in accordance with the Board of Directors’ guidelines. Total Executive Committee remuneration consists of a fixed annual salary, a variable component, and employer contributions to social security and the pension fund. The variable component depends on the achievement of targets.
Remuneration of serving members of Group bodies
The Helsana Group reports the highest remuneration paid to an individual member of each of the Board of Directors and the Executive Committee separately. The following remuneration was paid in 2023 to active members of the Board of Directors and the Executive Committee.
The total remuneration of the Board of Directors amounted to CHF 1,088,820. This includes all remuneration for serving on the Board of Directors and the four standing Board committees. The Chair of the Board of Directors was remunerated CHF 289,300. This included the fee for his work as Chair as well as expenses for chairing Board committees and participating in other committees and associations.
The total remuneration of the five members of the Executive Committee consisted of cash payments of CHF 2,657,600, pension contributions of CHF 483,950, and other compensation of CHF 75,400. The CEO received a remuneration in the form of cash payments of CHF 627,735, pension contributions of CHF 103,175, and other compensation of CHF 9,955. The cash payments include the basic salary and all variable components.
Executive Committee members must pay to the company all royalties, fees and other remuneration accruing to them from mandates performed on behalf of the Helsana Group. No additional fees or remuneration requiring disclosure were paid to members of the Board of Directors or the Executive Committee.