Helsana takes recognised standards and initiatives as a basis when it comes to developing and refining its sustainability activities and is committed to a more sustainable future through its membership of various associations.
Helsana was awarded a bronze EcoVadis sustainability rating in 2023. EcoVadis was established in 2007 and is considered the world’s largest provider of sustainability ratings for the corporate sector. Companies from a total of 160 countries participate in the EcoVadis programme. The rating classifies companies based on a wide range of non-financial metrics, including factors relating to the environment, ethics, labour and human rights as well as sustainable procurement.
We joined the “Climate Action 100+” commitment initiative in the year under review. This is the largest investor climate change initiative. It calls upon the biggest emitters of greenhouse gases to make their business activities more environmentally friendly. Members work directly with companies to develop commitment strategies. The focus is on the goal of achieving net-zero emissions by 2050.
We have also joined the “Institutional Investors Group on Climate Change” (IIGCC). The IIGCC is an association of institutional investors that is dedicated to the topic of climate change and its impact on investments. It helps its members make their investments more climate friendly and exert influence on companies and governments, and allows them to benefit from a strong network of experts.
Helsana contributes to the 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and provides transparent information on which of these goals are particular focal points of its sustainability strategy.