Publication details

2023 Sustainability Report of Helsana Insurance Company Ltd, Helsana Supplementary Insurances Ltd and Helsana Accidents Ltd.

Publication date
5 March 2024

This Sustainability Report has been approved by the Board of Directors of Helsana Insurance Company Ltd, Helsana Supplementary Insurances Ltd and Helsana Accidents Ltd and, subject to approval by the General Meeting of Helsana Supplementary Insurances Ltd (in May 2024), will also as be published as a report on non-financial matters pursuant to Art. 964 et seq. CO.

Helsana Insurance Company Ltd
Zürichstrasse 130
8600 Dübendorf
PO Box
8081 Zurich
Tel. +41 58 340 12 12

Responsibility for sustainability and project management
Monika Tschudi, Helsana Insurance Company Ltd

Project and editorial team
Diana Knecht, Can Arikan, Wolfram Strüwe, Marco Müller, Catharina Doll (all Helsana Insurance Company Ltd), Elke Burkart – textschliff

Design, technical implementation and hosting of the website
Neidhart + Schön Group AG, Zurich

Photography and video
BOOSTR GmbH, Gian Marco Castelberg, Helsana image portfolio

Proofreading and translation
Supertext AG, Zürich