At a glance

Find out about our commitment in 2016.

6 small helpers

Not missing out on anything while being sick. A long stay in hospital is difficult, especially for children. Our avatar robots help our youngest patients in particular to remain in touch with outside life. With the robot Nao they can attend school lessons and meet their friends while staying in hospital to regain their health. So far there are six small helpers bringing some normalcy to the lives of seri­ously ill children.

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110,000 visits to children per year

"The Theodora Foundation puts a smile on children’s faces," the mother of a sick child hits the nail on the head. With conjuring tricks, games, stories and music, Theodora’s professional artists bring some light and hope to the dreary days that disabled children spend in a hospital or institution. With our support, 110,000 such visits can be made every year.

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20,000 people on
the move

From a health perspective, two-thirds of Swiss people still do not move enough. At events at more than 200 urban venues, we surprised passers-by and playfully encouraged them to do more sport. Using interesting poster locations as ping pong tables, swings, integrated pull-up bars and much more, we motivated more than 20,000 people to move a little more.

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42 min. of videos presenting
interesting facts

Do I need a vaccination? What medical check-ups make sense? To stay healthy, you need to take difficult decisions very often. We help you do this. We present up-to-date and sci­entifi­cally founded information in short videos and presentations that are made accessible to a wide public.

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13 heart experts

Helsana’s health forums have been set up to disseminate knowledge. Here, interested persons can obtain first-hand information by attending interesting lectures, panel discussions, exhibitions and tests relating to the most diverse topics. The first forum on the cardiovascular system held in Bern was attended by more than 350 visitors and was a resounding success.

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1534 km through Switzerland

Our health bus is a special mobile commitment. Touring through Switzerland, the bus offers free medical check-ups at many different locations. In the past year, Helsana’s experts travelled around to check up on people’s mental and cardiovascular health.

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The lion’s share of the commitment shown by Helsana every day is totally invisible.

Three questions to Gabriel Zuberbühler, Customer Correspondence Expert, about his contribution to a better customer experience.

What is the task of a Customer Correspondence Expert at Helsana? I take complex, dry and technical insurance texts and translate them into the Helsana language. This language is easy to understand, concise and friendly and addresses customers at their own level. Because it is very important to us that our customers understand what they read.

What are the most challenging letters? An insurance company cannot always pay out benefits in the way that the customers would like. In such cases it is particularly important to us to not simply cite the rules and regulations to the customer, but to react to the customer’s situation with understanding and empathy.

I suppose you write most of the letters yourself. How do you approach this task? I prepare and revise the standard templates that Helsana sends out, and I also offer personal coaching sessions in letter writing to our employees. Together, we can then develop solutions that ensure comprehensible, respectful and stylistically confident correspondence.